Chemistry/Thanksgiving Crossword

  1. 2. a holiday centered around thankfulness and giving to others
  2. 4. the organized list of all elements
  3. 7. an irreversible change to a substance
  4. 9. the process of adding oxygen to Iron
  5. 10. model that uses lines to and dots to show compounds
  6. 11. when two or more chemicals combine to form something new
  7. 15. The driest meal that most people can't cook
  8. 16. negative subatomic particle
  9. 17. you can't have turkey without this in it
  10. 19. a change to a substance that doesn't change its makeup
  1. 1. the cheesiest meal at thanks giving
  2. 3. Slave food made from pig intestines
  3. 5. model that uses circles and dots to show elements
  4. 6. where Mr. Keaton went for thanksgiving
  5. 8. Electrons in the outer shell
  6. 12. Neutral subatomic particle
  7. 13. the study of chemicals, elements, and their interactions
  8. 14. positive subatomic particle
  9. 18. lowkey the best meat served at thanksgiving