Chernobyl Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. the power station that exploded in Chernobyl.
  2. 6. the _____ power that exploded is reactor 4.
  3. 9. the nuclear power plant core contained 114.7 kg of _______.
  4. 10. the power plant meltdown was the most _________ nuclear explosion in the world.
  5. 12. the radiation gave people ______.
  6. 13. the extreme radiation caused people _______.
  7. 15. the Chernobyl reactor number 4 was located in the state of Ukraine.
  8. 16. the Chernobyl explosion gave a lot of people ________.
  9. 17. the miscalculation of the safety drill caused an ________.
  10. 19. the dust after an explosion.
  11. 20. the radiation from the reactor spread ____ throughout the country.
  1. 2. the _______ from the nuclear reactor was the one powering the town of Pripyat.
  2. 3. the radiation had 3 types alpha radiation, beta radiation, and _______ radiation.
  3. 4. some people near the reactor like the firefighters were _____ after a few days or months.
  4. 5. the ____ of the reactor overheated which is why it exploded.
  5. 7. the city where the reactor exploded.
  6. 8. the people that helped when the reactor exploded.
  7. 11. the country that notified everybody that the reactor exploded.
  8. 14. the continent where Chornobyl, Ukraine is located.
  9. 18. the people that conducted the safety drill.