Chesapeake bay spelling words

  1. 2. bay an inlet of the Atlantic
  2. 4. garbage
  3. 6. difference
  4. 8. providing nourishment or nutrient
  5. 9. area of land that drains into the waterway
  6. 11. living the water
  7. 12. group of interconnected elements
  8. 18. plant life
  9. 19. bottom of the water
  1. 1. river that Leeds to the Chesapeake
  2. 2. covering
  3. 3. crash water meets salt water
  4. 5. wet and spongy soil
  5. 7. bar a group of oysters
  6. 10. a steam that flows into a large body of water
  7. 13. body of water is shallow
  8. 14. worn away
  9. 15. under the water
  10. 16. clarity how clean the water is
  11. 17. microbiology