Chevy's Day

  1. 1. your favorite tea
  2. 3. your favorite dessert
  3. 9. esaaaa ...tek yuh time recipe
  4. 11. your best friend
  5. 12. one of your favorite drinks
  6. 13. your favorite dance move
  7. 14. your beautiful like a brand new...
  8. 15. where you and daddy met
  9. 16. who's that....
  1. 2. what age did you meet daddy
  2. 4. the college you went to
  3. 5. your second best friend
  4. 6. your favorite thing to do
  5. 7. is one of your favorite movies
  6. 8. one of the million places you want to travel to
  7. 10. you is kind…you is smart...and you is