CHHS Agenda

  1. 5. Each month students will be nominated by _________ based on citizenship, academic achievement, effort, and exemplifying high standards of personal behavior.
  2. 6. _______ open at 7:50 AM.
  3. 10. _________will be viewed daily to check for line cutting/table messes/lunch trays left, etc. These behaviors will receive appropriate consequences.
  4. 11. ________length dresses and skirts are allowed. No slits in these skirts or dresses above the kneecaps are allowed.
  5. 14. _________ tops, tube tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, thin straps, or tops that expose the midriff, any part of the bust, excessive part of the back, are excessively tight or are distracting in class are not permitted.
  6. 16. ___________who are suspended, in ALC, or assigned to DCAC will not be allowed to attend any school activity during time of suspension or alternative placement.
  7. 17. __________is a Learning Management System that will be utilized in all DCS Schools this year.
  8. 18. Only 9th-12th graders who have a valid Mississippi driver’s __________ will be allowed to bring a vehicle on campus.
  9. 21. ________will be charged for damaged or lost books.
  10. 22. To be on the Principal’s List a student must earn all A’s and be marked as satisfactory in conduct during a ________ period.
  11. 23. No visible __________will be allowed.
  1. 1. ___________Portal is an innovative program at Center Hill High School that allows parents/guardians to keep track of their children’s academic progress.
  2. 2. __________, other than prescription, must be removed when inside the building.
  3. 3. ___________are not allowed after 3:30 p.m.
  4. 4. Only water in ________ plastic bottles is allowed in the hallways and classrooms.
  5. 7. The _______ day begins at bus stops or when the student enters school property and ends when the student exits the bus or when buses clear the campus after dismissal.
  6. 8. _________absences may be excused by a note from a parent/guardian.
  7. 9. In case of bad _________ conditions when it would be unsafe for students to come or remain at CHHS, the superintendent will notify the news media of the closing as soon as possible.
  8. 12. Students will report to school _______ with illness concerns or symptoms. The nurse will facilitate communication with the home as needed.
  9. 13. __________officials have the right to search and seize property, including school property temporarily assigned to students, when there is reason to believe that some material or matter detrimental to health, safety and welfare of the student(s) exists.
  10. 15. Neither male nor female students will be permitted to wear rings and/or studs in their __________, tongues, or any exposed body parts other than the ear and appropriate rings on fingers
  11. 19. __________ Break is scheduled for March 11-15, 2024.
  12. 20. Only a ___________, guardian, or person authorized in PowerSchool, will be allowed to check a student out of school and must provide a valid picture ID.