Chicken Anatomy

  1. 1. keeps the yolk suspended in the center of the egg
  2. 2. white part of an egg, cushions the growing chick
  3. 4. a male chicken
  4. 6. ankle joint
  5. 8. part of the egg that gets fertilized
  6. 12. can help determine the color of eggs
  7. 13. a female chicken
  1. 1. growth at the top of a chickens head
  2. 2. created when the egg cools after it has been laid
  3. 3. a group of chickens
  4. 5. a young chicken
  5. 7. part of a chicken's heat regulation system
  6. 9. bottom part of the leg, below the hock but above the foot
  7. 10. feeds the chick during development
  8. 11. opening at the back end of a chicken that serves as a reproductive opening and for excrement