Child and Family Studies Test 1 Terms

  1. 3. Last stage in child birth, placenta is delivered
  2. 6. Set of expressed genotype; physical traits
  3. 7. Development where new understandings emerge "stair"
  4. 9. A design that combines cross sectional and longitudinal studies
  5. 10. Descriptions that are not biased
  6. 12. A lifelong process with age related changes
  7. 13. Anything that causes a birth defect
  8. 14. Failure to conceive after 12 months
  9. 17. Same result can be obtained by using different researchers as they have the same process
  10. 20. "Spontaneous abortions," usually a hidden experience
  11. 21. A study that gathers people from multiple age groups to detect age related differences
  12. 23. Effects due to a person's time of birth and not their actual age
  13. 24. A theory that describe development as unconscious and heavily influenced by emotion
  14. 26. Inherited genetic genes
  15. 29. A period during the first 2 weeks after conception, includes creation of zygote
  16. 30. A genotype environment correlation where children seek out environments
  1. 1. Statement(s) that describe, explain, and predict behavior
  2. 2. A theory that change is created by environment; "nurture" view
  3. 4. Results are consistent over time and observers
  4. 5. A genotype environment correlation where the child's genotype elicit certain environments
  5. 6. A genotype environment correlation where the genetically related parents provide the environment for the child
  6. 8. A theory where individuals manipulate and strategize information; computer is the model
  7. 11. A study where a single age group of people is studied over time
  8. 15. Development that builds on previous material "elevator"
  9. 16. A theory that change is from within individual as they are actively involved in their development
  10. 17. A sample that represents a larger population to support generalizability
  11. 18. A period during 2-8 weeks after conception, has rapid change and development of organs
  12. 19. Genetic predisposition of an individual to a certain condition
  13. 22. A conditioning process where an unconditioned stimulus aquires the ability to produce a response
  14. 24. Period after childbirth when the mother adjusts physically and psychologically
  15. 25. A conditioning process where probability of behavior is based on environmental consequences
  16. 27. Behavior being studied is the actual reflection of underlying process
  17. 28. A period that lasts about 7 months, growth and finishing phase