Child Poverty in America

  1. 1. Parents usually need this to go to work.
  2. 4. Violence or abuse in the home.
  3. 6. Not completing high school.
  4. 9. Another word for jail or prison.
  5. 11. More _______ and black children live in poverty than white children.
  6. 13. One form of substance abuse.
  7. 14. Not having a home.
  1. 2. Poorest age group in US.
  2. 3. Health issue connected to growing up in poverty with air pollution.
  3. 5. Catch phrase, "School-to- _________ pipeline."
  4. 7. Higher education is linked to higher __________.
  5. 8. Health issue sometimes linked to poor nutrition.
  6. 10. Where some go after high school.
  7. 12. Some dropout of high school because they need to do this.