Child studies

  1. 3. a series of edvents which are repeated
  2. 7. the stage beofre your baby learns how to fully work
  3. 9. refers to a baby from birth to around 2 months
  4. 11. you wrap your baby in this
  5. 13. a manufactured alternative to brestfedding
  6. 14. the person who normally gives birth
  7. 15. something your baby wears instead of unddies
  1. 1. calming the baby down
  2. 2. you should never leave a baby ....
  3. 4. what we used as the "baby" in the term 2 assigment
  4. 5. the state of being comftable, healthy or happy
  5. 6. a needle which is given to a baby to prevent diseases
  6. 8. a babies room
  7. 10. somthing which is manufactured so you can feed your baby with
  8. 12. somthing the baby plays with