Childhood and Imperfect- Spanish 2

  1. 1. what is the Spanish word for "to tell jokes"?
  2. 3. what is the Spanish word for "to play checkers"?
  3. 7. what is the Spanish word for "to drink milk"?
  4. 8. what is the Spanish word for "when I was a child"?
  5. 10. what is the Spanish word for "to get along with badly"?
  6. 14. what is the Spanish word for "as a kid"?
  7. 15. what is the Spanish word for "frequently"?
  8. 16. what is the Spanish word for "each day"?
  9. 17. what is the Spanish word for "to eat Lucky Charms"?
  10. 18. what is the Spanish word for "always"?
  11. 19. what is the Spanish word for "to be 5 years old"?
  12. 21. what is the Spanish word for "every once in awhile"?
  13. 22. what is the Spanish word for "to swim in pool"?
  14. 23. what is the Spanish word for "to ride tricycle"?
  15. 24. what is the Spanish word for "every day"?
  16. 25. what is the Spanish word for "to cry a lot"?
  1. 2. what is the Spanish word for "to go to the beach"?
  2. 4. what is the Spanish word for "to climb trees"?
  3. 5. what is the Spanish word for "to tell lies"?
  4. 6. what is the Spanish word for "to jump rope"?
  5. 9. what is the Spanish word for "to play hide and seek"?
  6. 11. what is the Spanish word for "while"?
  7. 12. what is the Spanish word for "to go to the park"?
  8. 13. what is the Spanish word for "many times"?
  9. 20. what is the Spanish word for "every summer"?