Children's Books

  1. 5. Imaginary worlds and adventures, frequently involving magic.
  2. 6. Legends passed down through the ages that clarify cultural values and beliefs.
  3. 7. historical tales that interpret gods or natural things
  4. 8. stories with supernatural themes and magical beings.
  5. 11. autobiographical writings by individuals about their lives.
  6. 12. Children usually sing short poetry or melodies.
  7. 13. scripts or plays intended for performance.
  8. 14. written reports of other people's lives, typically emphasizing their accomplishments.
  9. 15. a genre that investigates technological and future ideas
  1. 1. Fiction that combines fact and fiction and occurs in a particular historical era.
  2. 2. books that are nonfiction and aim to educate readers on various subjects.
  3. 3. conventional stories that may feature inflated characters or scenarios.
  4. 4. books for young children that have pictures.
  5. 9. Morality tales in short form, frequently with animal themes
  6. 10. a type of genre that has an exciting or amusing ending.