
  1. 1. A Chinese Disney princess
  2. 5. What does chicken represent?
  3. 7. How long do Chinese New Year celebrations last?
  4. 9. Atypical Chinese starter
  5. 11. A form of traditional dance in China
  6. 12. An animal in the Chinese zodiac similar to a boar
  7. 13. Wearing them is believed to bring good luck during New Year
  8. 14. The biggest city in China
  9. 15. Typical glutinous Chinese food
  1. 2. Which calendar do the Chinese use for festivities
  2. 3. What do Chinese children receive on New Year's Day?
  3. 4. Lucky colour
  4. 6. A colour that represents wealth
  5. 8. Another name for the Chinese New Year
  6. 10. The Chinese use them to eat