China - Nicole Rodriguez

  1. 3. good with bronze and silk
  2. 4. owned land, controlled villages, payed tribute to the king
  3. 5. Philosopher who lived during the decline of Zhou dynasty
  4. 6. respect shown by children for their parents and elders
  5. 7. a way of life; a balance
  6. 13. believed that the natural order was important
  7. 14. Chinese civilization began on which river?
  8. 16. period of glory, unity, and peace
  9. 17. Priest write on these, ask questions and crack them with heat
  10. 19. believed a highly efficient and powerful government was the key to social order
  1. 1. A government's official exam
  2. 2. first family to rule middle kingdom
  3. 8. someone who works for the government
  4. 9. Ancient trade routes that extended from the Mediterranean in the west to China in the east
  5. 10. what replaces bronze because it's better?
  6. 11. Territory extended into Korea, Indochina, and Central Asia
  7. 12. came with age and learning
  8. 15. farmers that use wooden digging sticks
  9. 18. earliest writing system