
  1. 1. First of Chinas golden age
  2. 4. What is the capital of South Korea?
  3. 6. A picture or symbol standing for a word
  4. 8. Respecting your elders
  5. 9. _______Spreads his idea
  6. 12. Ancient trade routes
  7. 14. beleif in balance
  8. 15. Philosopher who believed the natural order was important
  9. 18. Nobel's give land in return for protection
  10. 19. Women obey?
  1. 2. as cities grew and roads were made it was easier to
  2. 3. What is the Capital of Japan
  3. 4. First family to rule the middle kingdom?
  4. 5. believed highly efficient and powerful government was the key to social order
  5. 7. Capital of North Korea
  6. 10. Iron replaced
  7. 11. China is the most _______ of the civilizations
  8. 13. working for the government
  9. 16. Period of glory,unity,peace
  10. 17. Top of the social Structure?