
  1. 2. A political system in which the lords give land in exchange for military protection
  2. 3. Was a viscous state and established first unified chinese state
  3. 6. Is called respect shown by children for their parents and elders
  4. 8. What wall sits at the end of the Gobi desert?
  5. 10. This philosophy believes to go with a flow
  6. 13. These stand for an idea
  7. 15. Who wore finley embroidered silk shoes?
  8. 16. Gave China a form of government that lasted 2,000 years
  9. 20. This helped unified the country
  10. 21. Controlled the family’s property and made decisions
  11. 22. First historic family to rule the middle kingdom
  12. 24. Extended from the mediterranean in the west to east for trade
  13. 25. Believed natural order was important
  14. 26. He believed in social order, harmony, and good government
  15. 27. These people invaded and attacked
  1. 1. where civilization began in China in river valley
  2. 4. What was set to unite the Huang-ti empire?
  3. 5. China’s golden age
  4. 7. Spreads into china to india
  5. 9. Were expelled from china
  6. 11. when priests write and crack the shells to tell the future
  7. 12. Was thought to be the center of the universe
  8. 14. Was used to symbolize power
  9. 17. Had to obey men
  10. 18. This contributed to the belief that china was the center on the earth
  11. 19. One of the capitals of shang dynasty
  12. 20. What is the control of different activities under a single authority called?
  13. 23. Government official exam open to all men