china ancient

  1. 3. A period of unity began in 581 with the ___ dynasty, which soon gave way to the long-lived Tang dynasty (608–907)
  2. 5. China entered its classical era with the ___ dynasty (206 BCE – CE 220), marking a critical period
  3. 7. was the first ancient economy, where paper currency, known at the time as Jiaochao, was used as the predominant medium of exchange
  4. 8. viewed itself as a continuation of the Western Jin
  5. 9. twelfth king of the Chinese Zhou dynasty
  6. 10. is the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty supported by archaeological evidence
  7. 11. was the first Chinese dynasty. It was founded by the legendary Yu the Great
  8. 15. is a period of Chinese history, approximately the second half of the Zhou dynasty, following the Western Zhou period. Characterised by weak central government, it is subdivided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn
  9. 16. founded by Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368
  10. 17. Despite its military weakness, the ____ dynasty is widely considered to be the high point of classical Chinese civilization
  11. 18. was a period of Chinese history, approximately first half of the Zhou dynasty, before the period of the Eastern Zhou. It began when King Wu of Zhou overthrew the Shang dynasty at the Battle of Muye
  12. 20. was a Chinese philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages.
  1. 1. Tang dynasty was founded by
  2. 2. is a diverse tradition indigenous to China, variously characterized as both a philosophy and a religion. It emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao—generally understood as being the impersonal, enigmatic process of transformation ultimately underlying reality
  3. 4. Ying Zheng established this dynasty
  4. 6. was an era in ancient Chinese history characterized by warfare, as well as bureaucratic and military reforms and consolidation
  5. 12. a line of hereditary rulers of a country
  6. 13. was a golden age of Chinese civilization, a prosperous, stable, and creative period with significant developments in culture, art, literature, etc.
  7. 14. the tripartite division of China among the dynastic states of Cao Wei, Shu Han, and Eastern Wu
  8. 19. The longest-reigning orthodox dynasty of China