China - Ancient and Imperial

  1. 3. Hiring educated government officials
  2. 5. Empress Wu achievement - strengthened this
  3. 6. Helped with maritime trade
  4. 8. People wanted during Warring States Period
  5. 9. Spread from China to Korea to Japan
  6. 13. Dynasty made Silk Road, paper & civil service exam
  7. 14. Peace begins with the individual
  8. 15. To live in harmony with nature
  9. 17. Increased trade with maritime routes
  10. 19. Chinese voyager developed costly trading routes
  11. 20. Natural barrier to north of China
  12. 21. Leader expressed importance of relationships
  1. 1. Children respect, honor, & care for parents
  2. 2. Invented during the Han dynasty
  3. 4. China's cultural diffusion
  4. 7. Chinese philosophy used by Qin rulers
  5. 10. Leader who introduced the civil service exam
  6. 11. Natural disasters occur; gods unhappy
  7. 12. People who weakened respect for family life
  8. 14. Qin Shihuang di was the first to standardize
  9. 16. China's geographic barriers create this
  10. 18. United all of Europe, China, and Asia
  11. 22. Good that was exported more than imported