China Braun

  1. 2. What is a political system in which nobles give land to someone in return for protection called?
  2. 4. Who was the first family to rule the middle kingdom?
  3. 7. To concentrate power from a single source or location
  4. 9. What do the Chinese characters stand for?
  5. 10. What were the Shang Artisans mostly known for?
  6. 13. Where do rulers of the Zhou dynasty get their power from?
  7. 14. China was the most ___ of the ancient cities
  8. 17. What is the battle between three Chinese states?
  9. 18. Symbol for balance
  10. 20. What helped unify the country?
  11. 21. What did China have surrounding it that made it isolated?
  12. 22. What was central to Chinese society?
  13. 23. What is someone who works for the government called?
  14. 25. What conquered the Shang Dynasty around 1027 BC?
  1. 1. Where did the civilization start?
  2. 3. What would you have in your house to pay respect to elders?
  3. 4. What is the criteria that needs to be met to accomplish an objective?
  4. 5. Who gets the most respect in the Chinese family?
  5. 6. What was China known for making?
  6. 8. What was used to keep intruders away from the north?
  7. 11. Philosophy based on nature
  8. 12. Who gets the least respect in the Chinese family?
  9. 15. What was the capital of the middle kingdom?
  10. 16. What would priests write questions on?
  11. 19. What is it called to bring people together?
  12. 24. What do roads between cities create?