China Crossword

  1. 2. After the Opium Wars, important commercial parts of China were conquered and divided into these.
  2. 5. It was Mao's second Five-Year Plan to industrialize China.
  3. 7. First leader of the People's Republic of China
  4. 8. These students supported Mao during the Cultural Revolution.
  5. 9. During this event, some Chinese individuals rebelled and tried to remove foreign influence from China.
  6. 10. His four modernizations built up China's economy
  7. 11. During this period, Mao removed his enemies through humiliation, exile, and execution
  8. 12. This conflict began after Chiang Kai-Shek forced the Communists out of the Nationalist party.
  9. 15. The square in Beijing where protesters were attacked by the army in 1989
  10. 16. Continual change of dynasties due to the Mandate of Heaven, this occurred.
  11. 17. It was the last Chinese dynasty, also known as the Manchu dynasty.
  12. 18. During this Age, Europeans conquered parts of China for natural resources and markets
  13. 19. The Chinese Communists won largely because of the support of these people.
  1. 1. These ruling families governed China throughout much of Chinese history
  2. 2. This nationalist leader of China had ideas for democracy, nationalism, and socialism.
  3. 3. Under this, a foreigner in China was tried under his own laws in his own courts.
  4. 4. This country took over Manchuria and Korea, and invaded China during WWII
  5. 6. He assumed control of the Nationalist (KMT) party after the death of Sun Yixian.
  6. 7. The Chinese belief that the gods chose the emperor to rule but could remove a corrupt emperor.
  7. 13. During this conflict, the British defeated China and insisted on selling what they wanted in China.
  8. 14. This belief encouraged the Chinese to fight against foreign influence and fight for independence.