China: Empires in Collision

  1. 1. Chinese dynasty that succeeded the Ming Dynasty
  2. 4. nomadic group who overtook the Ming Dynasty led by Nurhaci
  3. 5. wealthy merchants who engaged in Chinese trades with the outside world during Qing dynasty
  4. 8. rebellious daughter who argued that liberated women were an integral part of the Chinese society
  5. 9. Chinese movement to industrialize and modernize but that had limited success
  6. 10. rebellion to expel Westernizers from China to limit their imperialist power over China
  7. 14. Confucian scholar and emperor of Qing dynasty who induced a high sense of Sinification
  8. 15. the war between China and Britain due to the trade imbalances caused by a drug
  1. 2. state of China when the area was dominated by Western powers but retained its own government
  2. 3. Civil War caused by China's loss in Opium War
  3. 6. last emperor of Qing dynasty who established a republican government in China
  4. 7. semi-Christianized prophet who established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and proclaimed himself the younger brother of Jesus
  5. 11. distinguished official who was ordered by the emperor to stamp out the opium trade in China
  6. 12. Chinese emperor who rejected British trading requests because he saw Europeans as "barbarians"
  7. 13. ultraconservative Chinese empress who supported the Boxer Rebellion to eliminate Western influences from China
  8. 14. an act that represents obedience to the emperor