China- Introduction

  1. 2. Utensils used by the Chinese
  2. 7. Customary drink discovered in China
  3. 10. The name of Chinese leaders (like a king)
  4. 12. The custom of binding young girl's feet
  5. 13. The founder of a religion in China
  6. 14. The Tarter servant of Marco Polo
  7. 15. China's first foreign led dynasty
  8. 16. The country we are studying
  9. 17. The great empire that later ruled China
  10. 18. Religion founded in India, adopted in China
  11. 19. Primary land route used for trade
  12. 21. Built to protect China from invaders
  1. 1. An item of gold issued by the Kublai Khan
  2. 3. Chinese are of writing
  3. 4. Leader of China during the Yuan Dynasty
  4. 5. Discovered in China, used in fireworks
  5. 6. The philosophy and teachings of Confucius
  6. 8. The capitol of China
  7. 9. Chinese philosopher born 551 BC
  8. 11. Merchant, writer & traveler from Italy
  9. 20. The primary crop and basic food of China