China Post-Dynasty

  1. 4. Failed economic growth
  2. 5. Propaganda video where soliders use Mao's Little Red Book to cure these two things
  3. 7. First name of modern president
  4. 8. Country that took over China
  5. 11. Connecting China back to its roots
  6. 15. Name of leader that was opposed to mao
  1. 1. Sports event hosted in 2022
  2. 2. Animals found dead in rivers
  3. 3. When people starve
  4. 6. What skiers ski on (and whats its name when it is man made)
  5. 9. Advertisement using posters starts with p
  6. 10. Type of government China has
  7. 12. City that is free in China
  8. 13. Nickname for polluted cities
  9. 14. Name of communist leader