China Review Elisondo

  1. 2. shang kings asked these people to govern their teritory
  2. 4. The basic building block of Chinese society
  3. 5. Husbands owe their wives __?
  4. 6. The muddiest river in the world
  5. 9. Shang kings received their power and wisdom from
  6. 11. In this idea people are told to be one with nature
  7. 13. A formal order
  8. 14. A country North of China
  9. 16. a kind of character used in Chinese writing
  10. 17. The type of weapons the Shang Dynasty used
  11. 19. characters that stand for objects
  1. 1. The creator of the Zhou dynasty
  2. 3. Qin based his rule on this idea.
  3. 4. The most popular job in Ancient China
  4. 7. In china, rich landowners are called __?
  5. 8. What happened when the Zhou dynasty weakened
  6. 10. A bone used by kings and priests to answer a question
  7. 12. Confucius was China's first great __?
  8. 15. Chinese believed these were the link between heaven and earth
  9. 18. One of the animals used to plow land for the Chinese farmers