China Study Crossword

  1. 3. A system where lords get the king’s land in return for loyalty
  2. 5. Who was at the top of the social hierarchy?
  3. 6. The _______ dynasty took over after the Shang dynasty
  4. 7. The Chinese believed spirits of dead family could bring what to the living?
  5. 9. The Chinese believed that the _______ took away rulers’ rights to rule
  6. 12. Why did China think they were the best?
  7. 14. _______ were used as oracle bones
  8. 17. In times of chaos, Chinese people found comfort in ______
  9. 19. The roads and canals connecting China helped the ______
  10. 22. The rise and fall of dynasties
  1. 1. Where did Chinese civilization start?
  2. 2. Who was in the middle of the social hierarchy?
  3. 4. ______ believed in order, harmony, and good government
  4. 8. Chinese writing was made up of
  5. 10. System where strict government was above all else
  6. 11. Who was at the bottom of the social hierarchy?
  7. 13. Children had to _______ their parents
  8. 15. Who made Chinese families’ decisions?
  9. 16. The first dynasty to rule China
  10. 18. People who worked for the government and administrated operations
  11. 20. Bronze was a symbol of what?
  12. 21. The written language of China brought what to the country?