
  1. 3. the Chinese people wanted to do this against the Qing dynasty
  2. 4. when this river flooded vast farming areas, millions starved
  3. 6. a war between the British and the Chinese that happened in 1839
  4. 8. China gave Britain this island
  5. 10. this is what Hong's revolt was called
  6. 11. this is what Taiping Rebellion means
  7. 12. this was a policy proposed that China's "doors" would be open to merchants of all nations
  8. 16. Hong captured this city and called it his capital
  9. 18. because of the things the Chinese could do to take care of themselves, they were this
  10. 20. with new crops to help feed the people, this increased
  11. 21. this provided work for tens of thousands of people
  1. 1. a product the European merchants found that China would buy in large quantities
  2. 2. the peace treaty the Chinese had to sign because they lost of the Opium War
  3. 5. this coutry was a long time trading partner with China
  4. 7. Clocks, globes, musical instruments, an even a hot air balloon are some examples of this
  5. 9. this was a region in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investment
  6. 13. it was from this plant hat opium was made from
  7. 14. this person led the rebellion against the Qing dynasty
  8. 15. this was a quick growing strain that China acquired from Southeast Asia
  9. 17. Chinese people looked down on these people
  10. 19. The name of the emperor who agreed to receive an ambassador in England in 1793