
  1. 1. two wars over British trade to China
  2. 5. Chinese children are legally bound to respect people older than them
  3. 7. principles of yin and yang in the natural order
  4. 9. equal privileges to trade with China in support of Chinese territory
  5. 11. political movement led by Mao Zedong
  6. 12. barrier used to stop barbarians from entering the Chinese empire
  7. 13. ever dynasty goes through a cultural change
  8. 15. 4,000 mile walk to emerge Mao Zedong
  1. 2. Chinese Communist revolutionary
  2. 3. deceased family members have a continued existence
  3. 4. secret organization leads uprising to stop western influence
  4. 6. Chinese protest for greater democracy(thousands of people killed)
  5. 8. Chinese teacher,politician, and philosopher
  6. 10. idea of only having one ruler in China
  7. 14. Circulatory life force based on Chinese philosophy