The Twenty Most Important Chinese Inventions

  1. 2. First invented by Chinese Taoist alchemists about 1000 A.D. when they tried to find a potion to gain human immortality.
  2. 4. The world’s first mechanical clock was invented by Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk in 725 A.D. It was powered by moving________.
  3. 6. No more random, hand-planting, this kind of drill helped farmers-- 2200 years before Westerners did--to place plants into soil at a uniform depth. Farmers’ job became easier; more crops grown.
  4. 11. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279) gunpowder was stuffed into a tube, attached to an arrow, and launched by a bow. Thus was born what?
  5. 12. What is another word for the banknotes--invented by the Chinese as early as the 7th century--to make it easier for merchants to redeem large amounts of cash? "Money ELECTRIFIED the world."
  6. 13. It is the world’s most popular beverage. According to old Chinese legend, it was first discovered by Shennong, Chinese Father of Agriculture, around 2,737 BC.
  7. 15. It is said that a Chinese carpenter and inventor was inspired to create this device when he saw children sheltering from the rain under lotus leaves.
  8. 16. Two thousand years ago a Chinese scientist named Cai Lun perfected the making of this all-important material for writing on.
  9. 17. This metal, mastered by the ancient Chinese by 1700 B.C., was used to make weapons, tools and ritual vessels with inscriptions to ancestors and decorative patterns.
  1. 1. Though later used in guns and cannon, the Chinese used gunpowder in what?
  2. 3. Bamboo, silk, and paper were used to make this sky-flying object, in order to mimic the shape and flight of birds.
  3. 5. This ancient healing art, which uses thin needles inserted into the body at precise meridian points, is described in the book “The Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor.”
  4. 6. This material, invented in China about 6,000 years ago is made from the cocoon of a worm. It was an important trade product on the Road named for it.
  5. 7. It is said that seismographic of invention Zhang Heng (78-140 AD) in 132 AD could detect one of these one thousand kilometers away.
  6. 8. Dishes made from this lustrous material--invented by the Chinese-- are crafted in a process that heats kaolin clay to high temperatures with a coating of glaze.
  7. 9. A liquid we call “spirits” was first invented 9,000 years ago in China. It was used as an offering to the gods and to the ancestors.
  8. 10. This navigational device invented by the Chinese around the time of Jesus helped ships find their way. Lodestone is magnetic.
  9. 13. This device used coarse horse hairs attached to bone or bamboo to improve oral hygiene.
  10. 14. Printing using this kind of type was first invented by Bi Sheng. He made Chinese characters formed from clay. What kind of type or “letters?”?