
  1. 3. writhing is photograph-a picture or symbol standing for a word or group of words?
  2. 6. what is the name used by Chinese to refer to their country?
  3. 10. river was about around 2000 bc cities start to emerge?
  4. 11. what respect shown by children for their parents and elders?
  5. 13. what refers to the rise are fall of dynastic?
  6. 15. nobles did they own land and sends money to the king?
  7. 16. did they yse wooden dissing sticks?
  8. 17. who seeked hand out of accomplishments oin ruled or less than soyrs.
  9. 18. what is an establish a system to govern there vast empire?
  10. 19. artistans were known for the branswork
  1. 1. of warring states what was the time when chose plagued society?
  2. 2. and trade what were the two cites they build roads to connect the cites?
  3. 3. was the most isolated of the civiaztioning studied?
  4. 4. worships did the Chinese believe that the spirts of their family members have the power to bring good and bad?
  5. 5. in which nobles give land to somebody else in return for protection?
  6. 7. what philosophy that believed a highly efficient and powerful government was the key to social order?
  7. 8. what were works called that worked for the government?
  8. 9. what were the two belief that two powers govern the natural rhythms of life?
  9. 12. shi huanig-ti who was the(first emperor of china) this dynasty gives china its name.
  10. 14. what was one of the dynasty capitals?