Chinese 1cp

  1. 1. things that the Chinese government ignored with the 1cp
  2. 4. what most family trees look like
  3. 6. what you wouldn't have if you had more than one child when the policy was introduced
  4. 8. what most girls born would become as they don't carry the family's name on
  5. 9. what there would be lots off as the Chinese government tried to show that a perfect family only had one child
  6. 11. what the only child's parent would make them
  7. 14. something you would have to pay for if you had more than one child
  1. 2. what there was as most girls were aborted
  2. 3. what the government would do to people who have more than 1 child
  3. 5. what would happen to you at work if they found out you had more than one child
  4. 7. what the government would make people have to get rid of there child
  5. 10. what you would get given if you had only one child
  6. 12. one of the main reasons the Chinese government introduced the 1cp to keep it low
  7. 13. something that the government had to much of as they could force abortions on women