Chinese Autobiography

  1. 1. I have five siblings.
  2. 2. My name is Michelle Wright.
  3. 3. My family has nine people in it.
  4. 4. I often play the piano and sing.
  5. 6. My birthday is September 13.
  6. 7. I like to eat Chinese food.
  7. 8. this year I am 18.
  1. 1. I am American.
  2. 3. I was born in Utah.
  3. 4. I have studied Chinese for three years.
  4. 5. I was born in 1996.
  5. 6. My Chinese teacher is Mr. Anderson.
  6. 7. I am in high school.
  7. 8. Interstellar 电影是非常好!!I think Interstellar is amazing!!