Chinese cindarela

  1. 2. A place to call home.
  2. 4. Loves them but can't show it.
  3. 8. it won't bite you.
  4. 9. a safe like box to ceep awards or jewelry
  5. 10. Year she wore a smock.
  6. 11. Betraying a plan for money and glory.
  7. 13. PLT.
  8. 14. Teaches responsibilities.
  9. 16. no way to get there
  10. 18. big sister has this occasion.
  11. 19. we use dollars but what do they use?
  12. 21. From the only person who loved her.
  13. 23. people think she is this because of something
  14. 24. The pain breaking a part of your body.
  15. 25. Hearing through the door.
  16. 26. maybe coming out of the bathroom.
  17. 28. we finally get back together.
  18. 29. Everyone is shedding it and she can smell it.
  1. 1. The others have it but not her.
  2. 3. someone who helped Adeline
  3. 5. an important life gone.
  4. 6. Important to Aunt Baba.
  5. 7. a school in Tianjin.
  6. 12. moved because of the?
  7. 15. A school they go to now, but were?
  8. 17. seems like she doesn't have on any more
  9. 20. little sister got it real hard.
  10. 22. Adeline is this to everyone.
  11. 25. Orange juice.
  12. 27. something beautiful to wear on a special occasion.