chinese cinderella

  1. 3. part of life
  2. 6. cinderella
  3. 7. we waited after school together
  4. 8. favorite food
  5. 11. allot of money
  6. 12. walking there and back
  7. 13. find your way
  8. 15. niang
  9. 16. extra money
  10. 18. wealthy
  11. 21. we moved here slowly
  12. 22. we needed to work hard for this
  13. 24. bald devoted men
  14. 25. first lived in
  15. 28. mean and cruel
  16. 29. better than everyone else
  1. 1. esy way to get to school
  2. 2. smart
  3. 4. not treating adeline well
  4. 5. married twice
  5. 9. small cart
  6. 10. winning
  7. 14. moving houses
  8. 17. baba eldest house hold member
  9. 19. nai nai's feet were wrapped in
  10. 20. not needed
  11. 22. getting more
  12. 23. unlucky
  13. 26. adeline yen mah
  14. 27. niangs children