Chinese Cinderella

  1. 1. What is third brothers actual name?
  2. 4. What is second brothers actual name?
  3. 5. Who was Adeline closest to?
  4. 9. What is a child in order of birth called?
  5. 10. What is Adeline's Given name?
  6. 11. Who came to get Adeline from boarding school?
  7. 12. What is Adeline's Chinese name?
  8. 13. How did Adeline keep in touch with Aunt Baba?
  9. 16. What was Adeline's number at boarding school?
  10. 17. What is big sisters actual name?
  1. 2. How old was big sister when she got married?
  2. 3. What is fourth brothers actual name?
  3. 6. Why did Adeline receive the award she got in kindergarten?
  4. 7. What did Adeline name the duck she received?
  5. 8. Where did Adeline's family go while she wad at boarding school?
  6. 14. What was the name of Big sisters fiancé?
  7. 15. What is big brothers actual name?