Chinese Cinderella

  1. 3. Stare stupidly
  2. 6. Having strength and courage when facing danger
  3. 9. A state of dreamy meditation
  4. 10. Having a lack of concern
  5. 11. Cone shaped object used to play badminton
  6. 12. Stealthy
  7. 14. The worlds largest army
  8. 17. Bitterly or severe
  9. 18. A verb that describes a pace of walking
  1. 1. An adjective that describes faking something
  2. 2. The freedom to decide something
  3. 4. Having superior intellectual, social, or physical abilities
  4. 5. Uncertain or dangerous
  5. 7. Threatening or evil
  6. 8. Abrupt and curt in manner
  7. 11. Overlay, point or edge
  8. 13. Arousing pitty
  9. 14. A noun meaning the fact, state, or right of preceding
  10. 15. Intensely happy or confident
  11. 16. To be threatening or evil