Chinese Cindrella

  1. 5. the book of God
  2. 6. the largest city by population in the People's Republic of China and the largest city proper by population in the world
  3. 8. a strong country that conquered most of China
  4. 11. the war against England and France
  5. 12. slaves trapped by the Pharaoh
  6. 15. Moses brother
  7. 16. the water spilt into two
  8. 17. Grandmother
  9. 18. a country situated mainly within North Africa
  1. 1. Aarons brother
  2. 2. step mother
  3. 3. ruler over Egypt
  4. 4. a metropolis in northern China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China
  5. 5. is what the water change into after the Pharaoh refused to set the Isrealities free
  6. 7. Fathers older sister
  7. 9. god gave moses and the Isrealities _________ in the harsh desert environment
  8. 10. the name of Fathers dog
  9. 13. the age Niang was when she got married to Father
  10. 14. the total number of plagues
  11. 19. Grandfather