Chinese Civilization

  1. 2. A philosophy developed by Lao Tzu in which he believed that people should follow the natural flow of the world so that peace and order can be achieved
  2. 3. A canal that connected the Huang Ho and Yangtze rivers
  3. 6. a norm in Sung Dynasty in which the feet of young women were bound by white cloth to prevent them from growing
  4. 7. A period when scholars took an active role in the Chinese society because their works are applicable to all societies then and now
  5. 10. A government system in which power is based on land ownership
  6. 11. the name of the strict philosophy of Hsun Tzu
  7. 14. A series of phases of the dynasties in China where the mandate of heaven is included
  8. 15. He believed that man is naturally bad, therefore, he needs strict laws
  1. 1. It means 'first temperor'; he was an absolute ruler who imprisoned, tortured, and killed those who opposed his government
  2. 4. The writing system of China
  3. 5. The first empress to have ruled on her own merit replacing her husband
  4. 8. A philosophy that centered on morality in government and the responsibilities of people to their family and to the society
  5. 9. A kind of cloth that only nobles were able to afford
  6. 12. The compiled teachings of Confucius
  7. 13. believed that the people and rulers did not have reasons to live inappropriately because man is naturally good