Chinese Class Divisions

  1. 3. Girls had to stay here.
  2. 5. These examinations made it possible for the Chinese to improve their class.
  3. 7. If your father was a peasant you would also be a peasant.
  4. 8. In 105 B.C. this was invented.
  5. 9. The Chinese probably discovered this.
  6. 10. How the Chinese wore their hair.
  7. 12. A river the Ancient Chinese lived near.
  8. 13. People of this gender ruled Banpo.
  1. 1. One of the earliest Chinese villages.
  2. 2. Only these people could wear silk.
  3. 4. The number of Confucius virtues.
  4. 6. A family of kings
  5. 7. About 1,100 years ago the Chinese invented this.
  6. 11. This was a gift from the ancestors.