Chinese Crossword

  1. 1. confucianism: code of _____ (politeness).
  2. 2. soft fabric used to make clothes, comes from a certain kind of worm.
  3. 3. Chinese philosophy created by Confucious.
  4. 4. invented in China to help keep records.
  5. 8. learned from missionaries sent from India.
  6. 10. symbols for confucianism and taoism, about opposites working together.
  7. 13. taoism: harmony with _____, peace with your surroundings.
  8. 16. when a Chinese family has the divine right to rule from god, but can be lost if bad rulers.
  9. 20. chinese writing system,used to communicate with gods.
  10. 21. tests someone takes to get a good job in the government.
  11. 22. river in northern China that Chinese civilization began around.
  1. 1. taoism: laugh and learn from one's mistakes.
  2. 2. taoism: _____ life and inner peace, remove distractions.
  3. 5. part of Chinese government, when political power stays within the family.
  4. 6. China's first emperor, began the Great Wall of China and the Qin Dynasty.
  5. 7. trade routes that connected China with places like Rome.
  6. 9. confucianism: emphasis on learning and ____ to get people smarter.
  7. 11. _____ river, another name for the Huang He River.
  8. 12. invented in China, valuable white items made from special clay.
  9. 14. also called Daoism, Chinese philosophy founded by Laozi.
  10. 15. confucianism: _____ worhship, like visiting their graves.
  11. 16. Great Wall of China was meant to keep out these invaders.
  12. 17. confucianism: respect your _____, like your father.
  13. 18. silt (or _____), which is soil that causes the Huang He River to look yellow.
  14. 19. river in central China that Chinese civilization began around.