Chinese Crossword

  1. 4. This emperor's son was killed by his own general.
  2. 5. What did the Chinese use to predict the future?
  3. 12. ____ Wu ruled for 15 years following her husband's death.
  4. 13. Most famous legalistic philosopher who also happened to be a prince.
  5. 15. China's first _____ was founded in 124 BCE under Confucianism.
  6. 16. The ____ dynasty was established by Khubilai Khan.
  7. 17. Who was the first and greatest Chinese thinker?
  8. 18. A religion introduced to the Chinese during the first century through India.
  1. 1. Military weapon used with an arrow.
  2. 2. 460 protesters were _____ alive in the palace courtyards.
  3. 3. What is the name of the guide left for the Chinese civilization?
  4. 6. Chinese tale of a being who pushed heaven and earth apart
  5. 7. These people brought the Chinese out of xenophobia.
  6. 8. The Great Wall of China is also known as the longest _____.
  7. 9. What was the name of the first historical dynasty?
  8. 10. The ____ road influenced trading systems in China.
  9. 11. The last existing dynasty before the first Europeans.
  10. 14. The Shangi Deity was replaced by ___, also known as heaven.