Chinese crossword

  1. 3. I have seven people in my family
  2. 5. I have 5 siblings
  3. 6. 安德森 is my teacher
  4. 7. I was born in America x
  5. 8. my opinion on the topic of church is very strong
  6. 9. my dad frames houses x
  7. 10. i am a American
  8. 11. I am in high school
  9. 12. I like skating and art
  10. 13. I am a party tiger
  1. 1. June 17 1997 x
  2. 2. my last name is 安
  3. 4. my favorite cuisine is mash potatoes and gravy
  4. 5. my most favorite movie is guardians of the galaxy
  5. 7. I have taken Chinese for three years
  6. 8. my name is 力克
  7. 9. I am a senior
  8. 12. my age is 17