Chinese Crossword

  1. 2. I like bowling.
  2. 3. My name is 合福.
  3. 4. I have studied Chinese for three years.
  4. 5. My birthday is August eleventh.
  5. 7. I like Thai food.
  6. 9. I was born in 1997.
  7. 10. I am American.
  8. 11. 安老師 is my Chinese teacher.
  1. 1. My zodiac animal is the ox.
  2. 2. There are seven people in my family.
  3. 3. I am in high school.
  4. 5. I have three older brothers and one younger sister.
  5. 6. My last name is 歐.
  6. 7. This year I am seventeen.
  7. 8. I think Shelly is awesome!