Chinese Crossword

  1. 3. I really ____ this item
  2. 5. Someone who cooks for a living
  3. 7. Neiku
  4. 11. dong yi Students wear this to school
  5. 13. Qiwen
  6. 15. Put this on to get warm
  1. 1. Someone who fixes your teeth
  2. 2. is it Zen me yan
  3. 3. What makes a rainbow
  4. 4. Someone who helps you in stores
  5. 6. Kafeise
  6. 8. now Xian zai
  7. 9. The colour of grass
  8. 10. The _______ today is rainy
  9. 12. Hongse
  10. 14. Wear this when it’s sunny outside