Chinese Cuisine

  1. 1. To change the rate of something
  2. 5. To bring it all together
  3. 6. To make into two pieces using hands
  4. 7. To make the food look good
  5. 8. To make into pieces
  6. 10. Covering or filling inside
  7. 12. To sense from the tongue
  8. 14. To put it on to the table
  9. 15. To put something more
  1. 2. Removing water from rice
  2. 3. A way of making eggs
  3. 4. Changing water and washing again
  4. 9. What is the purpose of putting the wok on fire
  5. 11. To make into slices
  6. 12. To throw and catch in a wok
  7. 13. To slice using a machine