Chinese Cultural Revolution Review

  1. 1. Filled with quotes by the Chairman, it was mandatory to carry this at all times
  2. 7. This U.S. President went to China in 1972 and began trade negotiations (2 words)
  3. 10. This city is where the first cases of COVID-19 were reported
  4. 12. The father of communism (2 words)
  5. 14. The colonial power that began selling opium to the Chinese (2 words)
  6. 16. The last imperial family of China
  7. 17. This country is at least a trillion dollars in debt to the Chinese government (2 words)
  8. 18. Educated citizens were sent to the countryside to learn how to be farmers
  1. 2. Even though China is a communist country, they rank #2 in the world for these types of people
  2. 3. The Chinese Civil War paused while the two sides fought this common enemy
  3. 4. The ironic name for China’s failed attempt to industrialize quickly (3 words)
  4. 5. Millions of peasant farmers moved to cities after the Chinese Cultural Revolution
  5. 6. The more concise name of the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fist
  6. 8. Some Chinese students resort to this activity due to the high performance expectations
  7. 9. This animal is suspected to be the intermediary disease carrier of COVID-19 between bats and humans
  8. 11. This party was lead by Chiang Kai-Shek during the Chinese Civil War
  9. 13. The type of communism practiced during the Chinese Cultural Revolution
  10. 15. The ownership of the islands in this body of water is heavily disputed (3 words)