Chinese Dynasties

  1. 4. Inscribed bones or shells used for divination during the Shang Dynasty.
  2. 11. China divided into multiple states, fighting for power and dominance over the others.
  3. 13. First historically confirmed dynasty in China. Practiced human sacrifice.
  4. 14. Unified China under the rule of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor.
  1. 1. A ruling family that passes control from one generation to the next.
  2. 2. Over 8,000 life-sized soldiers, chariots, horses, and officials buried with Qin Shi Huang.
  3. 3. According to legend, he controlled the flooding of the Yellow River with irrigation
  4. 5. Created the Mandate of Heaven. Developed a feudal system in China.
  5. 6. Brutal policy enacted by Qin Shi Huang to suppress opposing ideas.
  6. 7. Tyrant who built the Great Wall of China and the Terracotta Army.
  7. 8. of Heaven: Belief that the emperor had a divine right to rule given him by god.
  8. 9. Political leader of a territory containing several different groups of people.
  9. 10. Cruel and oppressive government rule.
  10. 12. Famous trade route that flourished during the Han Dynasty, allowed cultural exchange between East and West.