Chinese Dynasties

  1. 3. Period of time that lasted around 500 years where no single ruling family existed
  2. 6. The Tang dynasty is also known as the ______ of China's history
  3. 7. The last "dynasty" of China
  4. 10. Belief that the ruler of China had to be chosen by the gods
  5. 11. The Yuan dynasty was led by what group of people?
  6. 13. Material primarily used in pottery, was green in color
  7. 14. this dynasty lasted from roughly 200 BC to 200 AD
  8. 15. The Han dynasty helps in the develop of this trade route.
  1. 1. Eli Zern's favorite snack
  2. 2. Belief system that focused on the doing good deeds for moral purposes
  3. 3. During the Tang dynasty was the first very successful empress named...
  4. 4. Protected the Chinese from nothern invaders
  5. 5. Between the Han and the Sui dynasty, this religion started to become popular.
  6. 8. Was created orignally for medicinal purposes but is now used for entertaining crowds in early July
  7. 9. First legitimate dynasty in China
  8. 12. invention created for reading the Earth's movements