chinese dynasties

  1. 4. Literature and art flourished during The ____ dynasty.
  2. 5. ____ is the buying and selling of goods.
  3. 7. A general named Wendi established the ____dynasty.
  4. 10. ___ united the Mongolian tribes and formed an army that conquered Iran, Russia and destroyed the Chinese capital city.
  5. 11. The imperial palace in Beijing was called the ___ palace because a few were admitted and only with the emperor's permission.
  6. 13. ___ is a merchant from Venice who served in the court of Kublai Khan.
  1. 1. A group of Chinese rebels ended the Ming Dynasty and founded the last and shortest of the four dynasties, the ___ Dynasty.
  2. 2. The reasons for Zheng He's explorations were asserting Chinese control over ___.
  3. 3. During China's ___ rulers banned foreign trade, kicked out foreigners and tried to eliminate foreign influences from Chinese society.
  4. 6. ____was invented in China by mixing sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal.
  5. 8. The famous trade route between China and Europe is called the ___.
  6. 9. ____ is China's main crop.
  7. 12. China became the most advanced society in the world during the ___ dynasty.