Chinese Dynasty

  1. 1. Poor people legally bound to wealthy landowners
  2. 3. Leader of the Minamoto clan in Japan
  3. 5. A chain of trade routes
  4. 7. You were rich if you had this
  5. 10. invention allowing spread of ideas
  6. 11. A supreme military commander
  7. 15. Capital City of China
  8. 16. A series of rulers from the same family
  1. 2. A japanese warrior
  2. 4. Fierce nomads from Central Asia
  3. 6. Chinese teacher influencing Tang Taizhong
  4. 7. A waterway that linked the Huang and Chang
  5. 8. Capital city of Medieval Japan
  6. 9. System A system of hiring people based on abilities
  7. 12. More important than death
  8. 13. largest desert in China
  9. 14. First ruling dynasty