Chinese exploration Crossword

  1. 1. This teaching tells people they should place loyalty to society instead of their personal desires.
  2. 5. He is the leader of the Chinese exploration voyages.
  3. 7. This Emperor created the Imperial City and moved the capital to Beijing
  4. 8. They invaded and caused the fall of the Ming Dynasty.
  5. 12. The farmers were heavily taxed by the Ming dynasty, so they decided to do this.
  6. 13. This Dynasty was established in 1699.
  7. 14. The Portuguese tried to convert the Chinese to this religion.
  8. 15. The Chinese explored this area when they were on their voyage.
  9. 16. The Chinese used these vehicles on their voyages and for trade.
  1. 2. This is where the emperor and his family lived, and only top officials were able to enter this place.
  2. 3. This is where, there is a large area of palaces and government buildings
  3. 4. The dynasty that Zhu Yuanzhang founded.
  4. 6. The Chinese considered the Europeans these.
  5. 9. These types of missionaries tried to convert China to Christianity.
  6. 10. These people wanted the Chinese to convert to Christianity.
  7. 11. This is where the Europeans built their trading post.