Chinese history

  1. 3. world coldest desert
  2. 5. based on deposit of the yellow river
  3. 6. It’s buried with wives and concubines.
  4. 8. the biggest mountain ranges in Central Asia
  5. 10. Made from prisoners to protect the emperor.
  6. 12. The scared mountain of China religion.
  7. 13. one of the world’s largest desert
  8. 14. Known as the sorrow river
  9. 17. Religous layout
  10. 18. big populated region
  11. 19. Known as Chang Jiang
  12. 20. Many statues made to protect the emperor in the afterlife.
  1. 1. stands for a hopeful, loving, and peaceful future.
  2. 2. Named by the northern part of the east China
  3. 4. multi-level waterfalls, colorful lakes, and snow-capped peaks
  4. 7. the world highest mountain
  5. 9. located in the southwestern China.It stretches about 965,000 square miles
  6. 11. Yangshuo and is famous for the Karst mountain and river sights.
  7. 15. was converted to lamasery after prince yong ascended the throne
  8. 16. the world highest mountain